Welcome to "Pikal Envy"

The only fanlisting for Marcus Cole from the fantastic tv show Babylon 5 listed at The FanlistingsNetwork in the Characters: TV category.

Marcus (Jason Carter) became a regular during Season 3 of the show, when his duties as a rangers brought him to the station and kept him entangled. If you are a fan, please join!


This fanlisting was last updated 07th October 2024 and has a total of 127 members from 18 countries with 0 awaiting for approval.

About 0.02 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on 3rd October 2002 by Abby. Who let me adopt the listing on the 13th April 2005.

The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, CodeSort, Fan Update and other sources.



25th January 2022
Got rid of a few script errors.